Friday, March 2, 2007

Hysteris in the Life

Many times I wonder that the simple things in life also are not easily achievable, you need to achieve them, they wont come easily to you rather you need to make them happen. Simple thing like planning for a movie, waking up in the morning, making sandwich etc also requires efforts and that make me started to think on the concept of Hysteresis in the Life. The model I am putting up here is a generic Hysteresis model and it applicable to almost everything in the life.

So what is Hysteresis ? "Hysteresis is a property of systems that do not instantly follow the forces applied to them, but react slowly, or do not return completely to their original state: that is, systems whose states depend on their immediate history". This phenomenon exist in our daily life for almost everything we do.

In the above figure, the initial state is represented by two points, point "O" and point "I". You may be starting on a new thing from either I or O depending upon what you are working on. If you already know a thing or you are interested to do that thing then probably you are starting from the point O, on the other hand if you have to do something just because its compulsory to do or something is not really interesting or something which is completely new to you, then probably you have to start from the point "I". Suppose you start from the point "I", then the first thing you need to do is to overcome FLT "Forward Looking Threshold", for case of starting from point "O", you may not have FLT forces. Once you reach the Critical Zone of SM "Sustaining Margin" then there you really need to show consistency in your efforts. This zone is very critical because there are two forces acting on you, one is your consistency and the other is BLT " Backward Looking Threshold" force, these two forces are exactly opposite to each other, BLT will always try to pull you back as much as possible, while at the same time you need to cross threshold of SM to reach to the "Goal", and this should be what we will be trying to achieve. Unfortunately because of some circumstances you crossover the BLT then you may end up reaching to the point mentioned as " Next Try" , and mind you this time you need to almost double your efforts to reach to the "Goal" starting from this point.

After explaining this model, I will illustrate the model with the simple example. Suppose you are planning for a trip with 5 more friends of yours. Assuming that you never planned a trip before or you have planned, you may start from point I or O respectively, also there are factors like availability of your friends, money, trip location, accommodation etc which will decide the FLT margin of your plans. Assuming that you some how manage to overcome the FLT and then reached the critical zone. In this critical zone both the BLT forces and your consistency will be tested. Many factors such as vehicle broke down, rain, one of your friend may fell sick, someone is behaving very adamantly are examples of BLT forces will try to pull you back, but you should be able to show your belief on your dreams on your plans and on your consistency then only you will be able to cross sustaining Margin threshold and thus able to achieve what you tried to achieve.

This is a very generic model, and it is applicable to almost any thing that you do in a day to day life. The significance of this model is that it shows that nothing comes for free and you need to achieve it. Once you start looking things using this model, then you would know your FLTs, BLTs etc and you can analyze your mistakes in small things very easily and you make make use of them in future.

(C) Copyrights Vishal Jagtap, All rights reserved.

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